Weekly documentation

Time What did we do?
Week 1 We had a introduction to what we are going to learn in EP1001
Week 2 We were taught on how to use Stepcraft 420 to make our PCB board
Week 3 We were taught on how to use EAGEL to make our PCB board and were showed how to do soldering
Week 4 We start fabricating our own FTDI & UPDI board
Week 5 We start fabricating the "Hello World" board started soldering our board
Week 6 We started soldering the boards and worked on our website
Week 7 We were introduced to milling
Week 8 - 10 We were taught on how to code our "Hello World" board
Week 11 We did CNC Milling by making a coaster and a choice of our furniture
Week 12 We did molding and casting with 3D- Machining
Week 13 - 14 We did Interface and Applications Programming
Week 15 - 17 Work on Final Project